Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male
Ken's Blog
Musings, reflections and observations from
the Beached White Male
Pastor John Jay Alvaro - Quirky Means Open Door, Open Table
Podcast Show Notes
More about John Jay
As far back as I can remember, church was a part of my family’s life. I was baptized as a young boy, when belief was still simple and comforting. I studied architecture and studio art in undergrad, which have been great foundations for how I approach ministry and preaching. I was lucky to have married my best friend, and she still laughs at my stupid jokes after 15 years. Our kids are just the coolest humans I know. We love to be outside, climbing trees and riding scooters/skateboards/bikes/anything-with-wheels. I read way too many books, and buy more books than I have time to read. I love coffee until 3pm, then I hate it. I also love sleep, hence the fickle affection for coffee late in the day. I have found that following Jesus is rarely easy, but it is always good. I will keep my eyes open to the sacred pulsing in the ordinary rhythms of life, and you do the same. I am also always looking for a new surfing friend.
By doing everything ‘wrong,’ this California church found the right way
First Baptist Church of Pasadena, Calif., is succeeding by doing everything wrong.
Wrong, at least, by conventional standards of what leads to church growth and health today.
The church has no social media presence, intentionally. Video of Sunday morning worship is not livestreamed and wasn’t even during the pandemic. In-person relationships are prioritized over remote connections even in a city where people drive long distances to work and social events. Sunday morning worship includes a traditional choir and pipe organ as well as sound samples of Scripture reading manipulated to be heard in new ways, along with drums and a band.
What’s happening at First Baptist Church should not work, but it does.