About The Beached White Male

About The Beached White Male

The BWM –

My name is Ken Kemp.   I’ve been a pastor, financial advisor, fundraiser, author, speaker, blogger, amateur philosopher, armchair therapist, junior varsity theologian, novice techie, quasi-political-junkie and reader of books. 

I’m a husband, a dad… and a Grandpa. 

Click below to learn more.

 We are living in a point/counter point culture. Some of my friends have tried to “go Switzerland” and maintain some sort of neutrality between left and right, conservative and liberal. The BWM is pessimistic about trying to moderate the debate. He’s more inclined to show his leanings, believing that it’s important to speak out. The intent is not to toss fuel on the fire, but to be candid about his convictions. It’s the starting point for civil conversation.

 The Beached White Male was raised in the white, Evangelical tribe. Maybe you were, too. 
If not, you are certainly aware that white Evangelicals have been credited for not only electing the 45th President of the United States, but in a strangely convoluted manner, have become his most ardent, vocal, visible defenders.
You understand why some of us who were once known as Evangelicals are so ambivalent about the label.
If you –  
  • struggle with your identity apart from your tribe of origin
  • are a silent or an outspoken disaffected Evangelical. If you –
    • grew up in a conservative, ingrown version of Christianity (or any religion, for that matter) that leaves you feeling disconnected
    • are unsettled by the assertion that your religious tradition is the “only way” or represents “absolute truth”
    • have been taught to be suspicious of anyone outside of your tradition
    • feel pressured to recruit to a cause you don’t really believe in
  • enjoy reading and interacting with people from traditions outside your own
  • are deeply troubled by the wide political divide that tears at the fabric of our nation: our communities, families, places of worship, institutions of learning, professional associations, etc.
  • believe that Fox News (the conservative media complex) is neither fair nor balanced (you are glad FOX dropped the phrase)
    • and you prefer to get your information from “the lamestream media”
  • respond with positive regard to the concerns embedded in phrases like “black lives matter.” “me too,” “enough is enough,” and other pleas for compassionate reform
  • believe that America is already great
  • are an aging Boomer who doesn’t identify with the prevailing stereotype of an ardent conservative whose primary motivation is to protect a cherished  privilege and demonize the “other”
  • are a member of the emerging generation looking for understanding and maybe even support from that distant generation of Boomers in this diverse and changing world

... if any or all of the above sounds like you… then, you’ll want to hear more from the Beached White Male and his guests. 

The Inspiration for the Beached White Male – 

Newsweek cover story from April, 2011