Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections, and show notes from the Beached White Male Podcast

Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections and show notes from the Beached White Male Podcast

Carole Holiday - The Accidental Author

Current BWM Interview
Rick's Official Site
from Carole Holiday

Wonder. Mystery. Awe.

The older I get, the more I value these things. Perhaps because somewhere along the way, life had not gone as planned. There were losses and griefs and new labels like “Divorced” to check off on the forms at the doctor’s office. There were no easy answers for the hard stuff, so I chose to give myself grace as I figured it all out.

I never thought I would be writing a book at the same time that I qualified for Social Security.

I never thought that anyone would pay a dime for anything I had to say.

I never thought a woman with a senior discount would be taken seriously at any place other than the Michael’s checkout register.

Yet, here I am. What are your “never thoughts?”

Carole's New Book

I Don’t Know Who I Am Anymore: Restoring Your Identity Shattered by Grief and Loss

by Carole Holiday

No stranger to heartache, Carole Holiday artfully braids together her story of overwhelming loss with biblical insights and delicious recipes from the little cottage on the lane–the cooking school she once owned. Carole’s journey offers hope that after the ravages of grief and despair, God can bring good back to life through faith, food, and fellowship.

How do you survive when everything that gave meaning to your life suddenly disappears? Grief can spark the question, God, when will you see me? Carole Holiday has weathered heartbreaking loss and the despair that whispers, “I don’t know who I am anymore.” Through her trials, including divorce, job loss, and heart surgery, she has learned that deep grief carves space for a deeper ability to love.

In her unique, lyrical writing style, Carole shares her story of grief and explores biblical teaching that offers a God-given purpose after pain. As an extra dose of comfort, she seasons her story with savory recipes from a cooking school she once owned, where she learned firsthand the healing that takes place around the table. Carole’s humor and warm encouragement gently remind readers that God has good for them–even in a season of severe loss.

Carole's Introduction to "I Don't Know Who I Am Anymore"

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