Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male

Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections and observations from the Beached White Male​

Sanctuary - Queering the Church with Tom Wasskink, M.D.

The Book

Sanctuary is the inspiring story of a church that left evangelical exclusion behind to become fully inclusive and wound up healthier, happier, and more deeply faithful than before. As they welcomed LGBTQ+ members, this Iowa congregation transformed into a more loving and caring Christian community.

As thousands of congregations nationwide are moving toward inclusion, the real-life story in Sanctuary is a unique companion for pastors, church leaders and members who are trying to reach out in welcoming ways, as well as all members of the queer community who long for a safe church home.

The Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis, a United Methodist Elder from the Michigan Conference, is urging people to read this book and learn from the example of these Christian friends in Iowa. In endorsing the book to her friends, Parker-Lewis writes, “Set aside the ‘How To’ guides and experience an authentic narrative from those who led their church to thrive in full inclusion. Wassink, Imborek, and Wassink share deep self-examination, as well as biblical and theological reflection. In this story of celebration, readers will find a model to lead a congregation to lovingly welcome all people.”


Among the other nationally known Christian leaders encouraging readers to learn from this book is bestselling author Brian McLaren, who writes: “I am so grateful for churches like Sanctuary and for pastors like Adey and Tom Wassink, and for sincere and insightful people like Katie Imborek. They’re telling us honestly about the intimate pain that has been and is still being inflicted on people whose only crime is being sexual. And thank God, Adey, Tom, and Katie also are telling stories of healing that pain, because they are living those stories. They’re modeling what religion should have always been good at, but too seldom is: repenting, which means rethinking or changing our minds.”

In addition to sharing their transformative journey in this inspiring, often humbling and sometimes downright funny memoir, the Wassinks and Imborek continue in active ministry in Iowa. Their congregation is easy to find and they welcome visitors, as well as inquiries from readers who may want to request a Zoom or personal appearance in the future. This book welcomes both church leaders and members of the queer community to be a part of this timely national conversation about the future of Christian churches.

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Release Date: October 8, 2024

Katie Imborek, M.D.
The Church
Tom and Adey Wassink

We weren’t inclusive . . . and then we were.
So a very short story, but it captures something worth knowing about us. Our church centers Jesus, and emotional health, and the dignity of all humans. But we also get it wrong, and sometimes profoundly so. And when we come to see that, we try to make it right.


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