Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male

Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections and observations from the Beached White Male​

Sarah Dornbos - Educator, Activist

Sarah, as a child, falls asleep while reading.


Sarah Dornbos - Expedition Ayiti

Sarah Dornbos has traveled to Haiti regularly since 2000 and has been enjoying the film festival circuit during the pandemic.
In 2017 Sarah, her sister Kate, and an infectious disease doctor from Boston, shot a documentary film in Haiti’s southern peninsula. Dominant narratives portray Haiti as a land of natural disasters, corruption, and poverty — in essence, a story that masks its truth.
Our producer, Richard Serrao, wanted to make a film that centers on a different narrative: one of strength, beauty, a passion for the journey and an expanded understanding of Haiti’s history in our world. This documentary follows a group of hikers -both Haitian and American- through the gorgeous terrain of Haiti’s southern peninsula, and with the narration of Charles Gerbier helps us unpack Haiti’s historic legacy as the first independent black republic in this hemisphere. 

The Trailer

You can view the trailer here.
We’ve already garnered two awards (Venice Film Festival and best Environmental Film at Wildsound in Toronto), several official selections (Montreal International Film Festival, Global Cinema Film Festival of Boston, Los Angeles Indie Short Fest) and are even featured in Zagreb, Croatia’s Tourfilm Festival! Given the events in Haiti last few weeks, the timing of this film is important in sharing another narrative about this amazing Caribbean Island.

Expedition Ayiti was also recently shown on the big screen at the Cinemark 18 for the Marina del Rey Film Festival in California (photos attached below). 

Watch Film in August

If you want to see the film (from anywhere in the world),

purchase a ticket

for the Haitian International Film Festival here.

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