Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male

Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections and observations from the Beached White Male​

Dr. Theon Hill, Ph.D. - The Cloud of Witnesses

Published Articles by and about Dr. Theon Hill

Christianity Today – If You See Something Unjust, Say Something, by Theon Hill 

Podcast Show Notes

Theon Hill

Associate Professor of Communication

Purdue University
Ph.D., Communication, 2013

Copenhagen Business School Graduate Certificate
Organization Communication and Leadership, 2011

Bob Jones University
M.A., Rhetoric and Public Address, 2009

Bob Jones University
B.A., Biblical Studies

Dr. Hill’s research explores the relationship between rhetoric and social change related to race, culture and American politics. Specifically, he examines the role of radical rhetoric as a crucial form of civic engagement and public advocacy. His previous work on rhetoric and social change in political, social movement, and religious contexts has appeared in edited collections and scholarly journals.

Dr. Theon Hill joined Redemption as Visiting Pastor of Gospel & Culture in the fall of 2019. He completed his doctoral degree at Purdue University in the Brian Lamb School of Communication. He serves as Associate Professor of Rhetoric at Wheaton College where he teaches and researches on the intersection of rhetoric, theology, and justice. He is married to Amy and they are blessed with two children. 

Speaking Truth to Power

Finding Hope in Unhopeful Times

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