The Donald and Amway (The American Way)

Ken’s Blog Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male Ken’s Blog Musings, reflections and observations from the Beached White Male​ Trumpism as a movement takes me back to my Amway days – back in the 1980s. Trump, more than anything else, is the embodiment of that cartoonish caricature of the American business paradigm. […]

Reflections on Larycia Hawkins, PhD

Ken’s Blog Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male Ken’s Blog Musings, reflections and observations from the Beached White Male​ Author’s Note: I wrote this piece back in February 2016. It was virtually contemporaneous to the events that led to Dr. Hawkins departure from Wheaton College. In April this year, 2019, I had the […]

Political Correctness

Ken’s Blog Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male Ken’s Blog Musings, reflections and observations from the Beached White Male​ One of the prime targets in the current Presidential campaign is “political correctness” or “PC” (caps intentional). The aspiring politician will assert: “I am certainly not bound by the constraints of political correctness…” […]