Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections, and observations from the Beached White Male

Ken's Blog

Musings, reflections and observations from the Beached White Male​

Kristin Kobes Du Mez - Jesus and John Wayne

How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation

with Ken Kemp – Posted: July 10, 2020 

RECORDED July 3, 2020: REPRISE Part I December 22, 2020

Podcast Show Notes

A scholar of American Christianity presents a seventy-five-year history of evangelicalism that identifies the forces that have turned Donald Trump into a hero of the Religious Right.

How did a libertine who lacks even the most basic knowledge of the Christian faith win 81 percent of the white evangelical vote in 2016? And why have white evangelicals become a presidential reprobate’s staunchest supporters? These are among the questions acclaimed historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez asks in Jesus and John Wayne, which delves beyond facile headlines to explain how white evangelicals have brought us to our fractured political moment.

Challenging the commonly held assumption that the “moral majority” backed Donald Trump for purely pragmatic reasons, Du Mez reveals that Donald Trump in fact represents the fulfillment, rather than the betrayal, of white evangelicals’ most deeply held values.

Kristin Kobes Du Mez, Ph. D. 

 … is a professor of History and Gender Studies at Calvin University.
She holds a PhD from the University of Notre Dame and her research focuses on the intersection of gender, religion, and politics.
She has written for the Washington Post, Religion News Service, Christianity Today, Christian Century, and Religion & Politics, and has been interviewed on NPR, CTV, the CBC, and by CNN, the New York Times, the Economist, the Christian Post, PBS News Hour, and the AP, among other outlets, and she blogs at Patheos’s Anxious Bench.
Her most recent book, Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation, released June 2020.

Ken’s Letter to Senator John Thune

Special Invitation

TABLE TALKS with Ken Kemp

Starting Tuesday July 14, 2020 at 6PM PST

Presented in association with The Center for Racial Reconciliation, Fellowship Monrovia

Ken’s Course: Coming to Terms with Whiteness

Host: Ken Kemp Day & Time: Tuesdays at 6pm (PST) – Five weeks starting July 14, 2020
This course is for you if…
  • You are a white man or woman who has ever felt stuck in the conversation on race and justice
  • You are eager to move forward and grow in your understanding of systemic racism
Description: This table will discuss the podcast series “Seeing White” as a foundation for exploring white participation in resistance to racism in our society, in the church, and in ourselves. Led by a white man for white men and women, this table is a safe space to listen, learn, process, and grow towards becoming anti-racist.
Materials: Podcast – “Seeing White” by Scene on Radio
REGISTER HERE – CLASS IS FULL – stay tuned for the next opportunity.

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